Monday, August 8, 2011

Pinned Fruition

pinnedpast participle, past tense of pin Verb
1. to fasten, join, or secure with a pin

1. The point at which a plan or project is realized

Umm...what? Yes.
Pinned Fruition.

Unless you've fallen off the side of the Earth lately, which is very possible knowing my friends and family, there is a good chance you've heard of Pinterest. But for those people, like my own dear Mother (::waves:: Hi Mom!), let me try to describe Pinterest.

Think of a giant cork board broken up into sections with different topics. Whatever you may want them to be. Kids crafts, holiday things, foods/recipes, clothing, reading lists, cleaning/organizational things, house design, and the list goes on. You can "pin" things into different sections of the board. Say you run across a website that has a recipe that looks great. In the past you might have a section of bookmarks on your computer for recipes, now you don't need to bookmark it but pin it to your recipe board. what's the difference? With a pin you get to select a picture from the page to represent it. So if you're a visual person like me, you get to see what it is you wanted to remember instead of just reading words of a title. Then you can also follow your friends, or any random person really. I currently have 3x as many followers than people I follow. You can see things the people you follow pin. You can search for specific things. You can search categories. Possibilities on what you can find already pinned are about endless. Then if you find something you can repin it to your own board. Or if you're somewhere out there in never ending web world and find something there is a nifty little toolbar you can install and with a few simple clicks you can pin your own thing. It's pretty cool! If you want an invite let me know your email address and I'll send one right over.

"So why this blog," you ask? I'm a closet Pinterest addict. I'll sit on my phone at night in bed trying to wind down and on the iPhone app browse it and repin things. I'll find tons of things on it to do randomly when I go on it during the day. I've found all sorts of neat things I want to do or try, and there they sit happily pinned on my boards and nothing every actually happens. So I want to bring some of these things to fruition. Try all these magical, yet seemingly simple, cleaning tips. Do some of the art projects with the kids. Cook some of the recipes that look so delicious. Otherwise it's a waste letting all those things sit in dream land floating around in my mind. Plus so many things on there are all artsy fartsy, which I wish I was more of, or cleaning things, which I need to do more maybe this will also help me on my inner Super Mom hunt (uh, yeah...remember that? it will be back...soonish. cross my heart and hope to die)

So now is the time to get some things done. I'll post about them as I go. Did it work? How did it taste? Was it really that easy? Things like that. we go! Welcome aboard.

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